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Why Does BibleWorks Not Include Certain Texts From Previous BibleWorks Versions?
Author: KB Admin Reference Number: AA-02719 Views: 4510 Created: 2012-08-05 19:00 Last Updated: 2013-08-07 10:53 0 Rating/ Voters
To be able to include copyrighted texts in BibleWorks, BibleWorks licenses each from its copyright owner. Periodically, these licenses come up for renewal. Almost always, BibleWorks is able to secure a renewal at a satisfactory royalty fee. Once in a while, however, even after negotiations the copyright owner does not make the renewal available at a royalty fee or in a quality BibleWorks considers satisfactory for its customers. On these occasions, BibleWorks has no choice but to offer the text as an extra-cost module, if the copyright owner agrees, or to remove the text from the BibleWorks product. Please be assured we have not given up but will continually work to restore these texts to BibleWorks, and the prayers of our customers would be helpful to this end.

Registered customers upgrading from previous versions of BibleWorks will be sent free of charge a set of activation codes for the texts no longer included in the upgraded version.  A complete list of the texts handled in this way is contained here.

Last Update: RRG/August 7, 2013