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How are BibleWorks Prices Determined?
Author: KB Admin Reference Number: AA-02744 Views: 9779 Created: 2012-08-05 19:00 Last Updated: 2017-03-29 15:19 0 Rating/ Voters
BibleWorks, LLC operates essentially at cost, as a service to the church and the scholarly community. If we have any margins (and we attempt to price so that we don't), we plow them back into the product to reduce prices for future customers. We have a very small staff, but this staff works continually to make the product better and easier to use. Each new BibleWorks release represents about three years' worth of work on this staff's part, revamping and improving the product. Much of the upgrade costs compensate these staff members for their work. This allows BibleWorks to stay in business to continue to serve its customers.

In addition, BibleWorks contains a very large amount of textual material. Virtually all this material is copyrighted, and on it royalties are due to the publishers. It was largely the magnitude of this data increase that necessitated the January 2006 and April 2015 increases (BibleWorks's only two ever) in our end-user license fee.

The chart below illustrates the trend in BibleWorks's end-user license fee in current dollars. In addition to this significant real price decrease, the content in BibleWorks has continually expanded: the current content of BibleWorks is more than fifty times greater than the content of BibleWorks in 1992. BibleWorks is an exceptional value for your Bible software dollar!

Last updated: RG/March 29, 2017