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51 What Do I Do if the Installation Stalls?

A stall during installation of BibleWorks is caused on a few computers by a complex interaction that occurs between BibleWorks, InstallShield (a non-BibleWorks installation program) and the computer's specific media (CD, DVD, or USB) drive. In such cases,…

52 What Does Initialization Error 2349 Mean?

Initialization error 2349 occurs when a user does not have admin privileges and the program was not run once as an administrator after the initial installation. To recover, those with administrator privileges for the user's computer need to a) run the program…

53 What is an Alternative Procedure to Install BibleWorks 9 and Earlier Versions Under Windows XP?

BibleWorks 10 is not supported for Windows XP. If CDs/DVDs will not install normally for BibleWorks 9 and earlier versions, the following procedure will guide you in the process of copying the contents of the BibleWorks Program Discs to a folder that you…

54 What is the Procedure to Check if a BibleWorks Flash Drive is Defective?

Find and run the bwcheckdisc.exe file on the drive to check if there are any errors. The procedure to do this follows: On a Windows computer: a. Double-click on BWCheckDisc.exe, it will start checking the flash drive for errors. b. If it does not start doing…

55 Why Didn't Installation Use All of the Disks?

BibleWorks 7 and 8 may have been distributed with multiple CDs to be used in installation of the program. Five or six of the CDs (depending on the revision number) are labeled Program Disk. (An additional CD in the set is labeled Module Disk. Note that this…

56 Why Does Installing BibleWorks Make a BibleWorks Folder in My Documents Folder?

You may have observed that when BibleWorks is installed it makes a BibleWorks folder in your Documents folder in Windows. Some users have asked if the creation of this folder can be turned off or that it be created in another location on one's computer. When…

57 Why Doesn't BibleWorks Install To My Netbook Computer?

The failure of BibleWorks to install to a netbook computer can have several possible causes: 1. BibleWorks requires Windows, and many netbooks have been equipped with other operating systems, such as Linux. To install BibleWorks under Linux or another non-Windows…

58 Why Doesn't My Module Unlock or Activation Code Work?

Both module unlock codes (pre-BibleWorks 8) and module activation codes (BibleWorks 8 and later) are extended series of letters and numbers provided to unlock additional resources available for BibleWorks. 1. Unlock codes may fail because the book code itself,…

59 Why Should the BibleWorks Download Be Backed Up Immediately to Local Storage?

Since the BibleWorks installation software has been made available by download, the question has occasionally been asked, "Why do I need to keep the downloaded file after the program has been installed?" There are at least three reasons why the file should…

60 Why Shouldn't I Deselect Items Already Marked in CUSTOM Installation?

The BibleWorks installation presents two options during the process. One can choose FULL, in which case all program data will be installed to the computer. This will require about 5.5 Gigabytes of hard drive space. The updates performed thereafter will add…