Why Might Text in the BibleWorks 10 Mac Installer Installation Be Too Small on a Retina Mac?


The BibleWorks Mac Installer and BibleWorks Executable files have been updated to support Mac Retina displays, properly scale text in the main windows, additional program windows and the popup resource windows.

If you find that text is too small in some windows of BibleWorks, do the following:

1. Update the BibleWorks Mac Installer and BibleWorks Executable by following these instructions: How Do I Update the BibleWorks Mac Installer?
2. Run BibleWorks.
3. In the menu at the top of the screen, verify that BibleWorks | Auto-Enable High Resolution Mode is checked.
4. Go to Help | Check for Updates.
5. Select the newest BibleWorks Executable update in the updater if one is available to you and apply it. BibleWorks will apply the patch and restart.

After that procedure, you can now open View | Scaling and set the zoom level as desired. A zoom level between 190% and 225% seems to work well on many Retina systems.

If you still have difficulties with small size of print and popup windows after the update:

1. Restart BibleWorks.
2. In the main menu, UNCHECK BibleWorks | Auto-Enable High Resolution Mode.
3. IMPORTANT: Close BibleWorks and restart it again.
4. IMPORTANT: In the main menu, check BibleWorks | Auto-Enable High Resolution Mode.
5. Close BibleWorks and restart it again. The Retina mode should work at this point.
6. In BibleWorks, go to View | Scaling Options
7. Select a scaling such as 225%.
8. Click OK. BibleWorks will restart.
9. Check the size of the print and windows and adjust Scaling to a size that fits your preference.

Last edited MC-6/28/2016