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Can I Install BibleWorks to Windows 8 Despite SmartScreen Application Checks?
Author: E M Reference Number: AA-02975 Views: 7119 Created: 2014-07-08 15:05 Last Updated: 2014-10-29 10:59 0 Rating/ Voters

Some have encountered difficulty when attempting to install earlier versions of BibleWorks to Windows 8 or 8.1.  This is occasionally due to a feature called SmartScreen, which was originally implemented in Internet Explorer.  When a user attempts to install software, the system will perform reputation checks against known and trusted standards.  If the integrity of the application is not established, the system will display a message stating that the app cannot run on the computer.  If the user has confidence that the program is not malware or the like (as would be the case with BibleWorks), then there are steps one can take to enable installation of the program. 

1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
2. Find and select "Action Center"
a. If viewing by "Category" select first "System and Security" then choose "Action Center".
b. If viewing by large or small icons, "Action Center" will be one of the icons.
3. Find and select "Change Windows SmartScreen settings"
4. In the small window that appears, select "Don't do anything (turn off Windows SmartScreen)
5. Now run the BibleWorks Setup.

Remember also that Windows 8, like its immediate predecessors, has User Account Control, so if installing BibleWorks 6 or BibleWorks 7, it will be necessary to run the patch file for it to enable compatibility in that environment.  (For versions earlier than BibleWorks 6, manual configuration of settings will be required.) 

Last Updated: ELM/July 8, 2014