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How Do I Export Text From BibleWorks on the Mac?
Author: E M Reference Number: AA-02977 Views: 8753 Created: 2014-08-13 16:35 Last Updated: 2014-09-16 16:17 0 Rating/ Voters

BibleWorks provides a number of ways of exporting text from the program to other programs such as word processors.  Copy commands enable one to export to a BibleWorks Editor window, a word processor, or to the Windows Clipboard.  When running BibleWorks on a Mac computer as installed with the BibleWorks Mac Installer, the export options are fewer.  Specifically, the menu command "Copy to Word" does not result in exported text.  This is because the functionality that would enable BibleWorks to 'see' other programs running in the Mac OS X environment has not yet been implemented.  For the same reason, the Popup Copy Window does not function, either.  These are features that have been slated for attention to be fixed.

In the meantime, the workaround for this is to use the OS X Clipboard for export of text.  Select the desired text to be exported, then perform either of the following commands: 

1. Press Command+C to copy the selected text to the Clipboard.
2. Right-click (or Command+Click with a one-button mouse) to display a popup menu from which you will choose "Copy to Clipboard".

When you have copied the text in this way, then proceed to the target document, place the insertion point where the text is to be placed, then perform a Paste command.

Last Edited: ELM/September 16, 2014