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Suspicious Activity Blocked
Author: KB Admin Reference Number: AA-02837 Views: 4508 Created: 2012-08-05 19:00 Last Updated: 2012-06-08 04:10 0 Rating/ Voters
Reports have been received occasionally that Internet security software has blocked suspicious activity on a computer, citing BibleWorks.exe as a potential security risk.

This is to be expected if an Internet security program is truly doing its job. Since viruses and other malware have been spread via the download of executable files to a computer, the BibleWorks update process would understandably come under suspicion. This is because the latest version of the BibleWorks executable, among other things, are communicated to the computer over the Internet.

The solution to this issue is simply to unblock and/or allow BibleWorks in the configuration panel of the Internet security software in use. Please consult the Internet security program documentation for specific steps on how to make the needed changes.

Last Updated: ELM/March 4, 2008