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What are the Current Open Bugs in the BibleWorks 10 Mac Installer?
Author: R G Reference Number: AA-02981 Views: 11848 Created: 2014-11-12 14:46 Last Updated: 2018-03-26 09:44 0 Rating/ Voters

Current known Mac issues and problems:

1162 Copying from CHM files and Verse Tab does not keep RTF formatting.
1179 Separate program installation required for each user on a Mac.
1169 Editor/Notes: Adding verse & lexicon links to Editor/Notes text not yet supported
1055 Popup Copy window: Ctl-shift-b doesn't work in OS X
1039 Display/searching issues with Arabic, Czech, Korean, Japanese, Polish,  Romanian, Slavonic. Searching does not work in Vietnamese. For Arabic/Japanese/Korean, setlocale() on  "Arabic", "Korean", and Japanese" fail and so they  do not appear as available Bible versions. Under Lion: Chinese,Cyrillic,  Lithuanian,Thai,Turkish have display issues.
1077 Disabled on OS X: Text-to-Speech, some ERMIE functionality.
1045 Running BibleWorks from a Windows Server (site license setup)
1134 CHM searching from the CHM Search tab is incomplete
1075 Printing from Editor and Notes requires copying to external word processor. (Printing from flash cards, diagrammer, CHMs, etc. works correctly.)
1163 Diagrams:  Edit | Copy as Vectors not supported in external applications (Copy as Bitmap  does work)
1169 NA27 audio: Program plays the entire chapter, but scrolling and jumping to a specific verse not yet supported.

CHM windows do not have a functioning Favorites Tab in the sidebar.

Last updated: MT/March 22, 2018